IV Therapy for beautiful skin
Although genetics and sunscreen help, the best way to look like a celebrity is actually hydration. This means drinking lots of water. It’s true!
Dehydration cleanses the body from the inside out.
Three ways drinking water helps keep you looking healthy
Moisture, smoothness, softness: No surprise here – Your skin is made up of around 64 percent water so when you are properly hydrated, your skin will appear more moisturized, smooth, and soft.
Fewer blemishes: Water helps the digestive system rid the body of toxins. More water in your body can decrease the proportion of concentrated oils that cause blemishes and breakouts.
Less noticeable wrinkles: Water replenishes skin tissue – providing skin cells with necessary nutrients and fluids. Skin becomes more elastic, full and plump, which can decrease size and appearance of wrinkles and skin lines.
The famous actors have extra vitamins injected into their bodies. The best way to obtain these vitamins is to eat a well-balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables and supplements if necessary. Vitamins play a key role in keeping skin healthy, and therefore it is essential to include plenty of them in the diet. Vitamin B is particularly important, because it helps prevent cell damage.
B vitamins help maintain skin health
Vitamin B1: Helps regenerate collagen, a molecule that makes skin flexible and resilient
Vitamin B2: Speeds up wound healing, reduces inflammation, and maintains collagen
Vitamin B3: Guards skin from sun damage and decreases redness and discolorations
Vitamin B5: Increases water storage in skin cells, acting as the skin’s natural moisturizer
Vitamin B6: Decreases secretion of sebum, a yellow, gooey substance that aggravates acne
Vitamin B12: Increases red blood cell reproduction, which reduces dryness, redness, and inflammation
Drink at least 8 glasses of water and eat a balanced diet to get your necessary vitamins. If you find yourself struggling to drink enough water and eat right, you may want to consider intravenous hydration therapy. A scientifically proven intravenous therapy regimen with vitamins can help you get the skin you want.
During the second season of The Good Wife, Washington D.C.’s, Dr. Patrick Nagula is on hand to help clients administer intravenous fluids to ward off dehydration. Kara McCullough grew up in Virginia Beach, VA, so it was a natural choice for her to seek out the doctor in D.C. for her IV hydration. You can also feel like Kara McCullough by getting into contact with DRIP83 and scheduling a treatment of your own today.